We believe that sermons can be improved and their impact maximised by increasing the amount of heads and hearts that contribute to their shape and strength. Listen in on this conversation between Mike Neglia and Jody Ponce about their process of making sure that their church gets the best sermons possible week after week.
Jody’s first Expositors Collective interview: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2019/5/28/episode-49-putting-a-lid-on-the-learning
Read Jody’s articles here: https://calvarychapel.com/authors/jody_ponce?token=dmrjcv65vhg1fviasr~dys7czutjyiuv
Evan Wickham on collaborative sermon preparation: https://www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2018/9/25/episode-14-sermons-should-be-prepared-in-community
John Mark Comer on collaborative sermon preparation: http://sermonsmith.com/93-john-mark-comer/