Baby, You Got A Calling – Thabiti Anyabwile
Join Thabiti Anyabwile as he takes us on his journey from a study out of John 4 for a “youth group” to a Pastor of Anacostia River Church. Thabiti discusses…
Showing God’s Love Through Expository Preaching – John Starke
John Starke speaks with Mike Neglia about the power of self awareness, the value of hearing the truth, but chiefly the priority of love in pastoral ministry.
calvaryglobalnetworkApril 27, 2021
Theology for the People – Nick Cady
We’re glad to introduce you to a brand new podcast from Steering Committee member Nick Cady entitled “Theology for the People” You are likely already familiar with the sound of…
calvaryglobalnetworkApril 23, 2021
Character Formation and Biblical Interpretation – Andreas Köstenberger
Andreas Köstenberger speaks with Mike Neglia on a broad range of topics related to personal formation and Bible study and proclamation.
calvaryglobalnetworkApril 20, 2021
Sermon Application, Puritans and Walking Worthy – Dustin Benge
Dr Dustin Benge (Provost, Union School of Theology, Wales) speaks with Mike Neglia about the importance of sermon application. It isn’t enough to just tell the hearers of our sermons…
calvaryglobalnetworkApril 13, 2021
Guest Speaking, Revival and Swag Bags – Pilgrim Benham
Pilgrim Benham chats with Mike about guest speaking, how to select a passage to speak from, how long a sermon should last as well as best practices for being a…
calvaryglobalnetworkApril 8, 2021
Collaboration and Invitation – Greg Jao
Greg Jao speaks with Mike about his experience on the preaching team at New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, New York alongside Pete Scazzero & Rich Villodas and their healthy…
calvaryglobalnetworkApril 6, 2021
Experiential Preaching, nerves and Leadership Lab – Joe Thorn
Joe Thorn speaks with Mike about nerves, self-doubt and the gradual growing confidence that comes as Bible teachers gain more and more experience behind the pulpit. Additionally, they speak about…
calvaryglobalnetworkMarch 30, 2021
Faithful Are The Wounds Of A Friend – Jeremy Jenkins
Negative feedback stings – but you need it! Jeremy Jenkins speaks with Mike about some vital words of feedback and critique that he received and how he has grown since…
calvaryglobalnetworkMarch 23, 2021